Past Reunions
2023/2024 EVENTS
Charter Signing!
Captain Moses J Bradford Camp 2344 held their Charter Signing, 1 October 2023, at Smith Cemetery near Edgar Springs, Missouri. Photo credits to Charlene Turner.
Tombstone Leveling
Pvt. Bailey Brooks Camp #2335 members leveling Pvt. Bailey Brooks headstone and getting it ready for their July 4th ceremony. Rodney Neville, Buddy Biggs, Jack Neil and Greg Boone.
Missouri Division in Tennessee
Several members of the Missouri Division were honored to attend the Confederate Memorial Service at Pleasant Hill Cemetery in Brunswick, TN honoring the 17 unknown Confederate Missourians buried there.
The service is hosted annually by the Nathan Bedford Forrest, Wigfall Greys, Dewitt Smith Jobe James R. Chalmers, Simonton-Wilcox, and Robert E. Lee Camps, SCV. Attending the ceremony from the Missouri Division were Rob Adelson, Utz Camp; Jeff Futhey, Utz Camp/Missouri Division Commander; Wes Franklin, Livingston Camp/Missouri Division Adjutant; Travis Archie, Livingston Camp/Western Brigade Commander; and Rodney Neville, Brooks Camp/Eastern Brigade Commander. The Division was presented with a specially painted Missouri Battle Flag for the occasion. |
St. Peters MO Flag Rally
Stand Watie Camp #2300 held their flag day along the highway near St. Peters. |
2024 National Reunion
North Charleston, SC
July 16-21, 2024
Lee-Jackson Dinner
Rolla, Missouri
January 20, 2024
Marking History: 160 years later, Confederate soldier's graves marked.
Both members of the General James H. McBride Camp 632 Sons of the Confederate Veterans and admirers of history, (left to right) Dale Wrenn and Rick Perry dedicated numerous hours honoring their ancestors who fought in the Civil War. Using dowsing rods, and official documented reports from the skirmish, Wrenn located the grave site. With the help of Perry, the two repurposed a headstone donated by the Springfield Veterans Cemetery to honor the fallen soldiers. Exactly 160 years to the day, the gentlemen, with the permission of the Coles, dedicated a memorial site to the fallen Confederate soldiers. The headstone inscription reads: At this spot lie the remains of four unknown Confederate soldiers killed on Oct. 20, 1862. When a confederate column under the command of Col. Caleb Dorset was attacked by a detachment of the 10th Illinois Calvary under the Command of Lt. Col James Stuart. |
Parsons Camp Christmas
Tenth Annual Christmas Dinner
Brig. General Mosby Parsons Camp #718
December 5, 2023
Livingston Camp Ceremonies
Livingston Camp had two dedication ceremonies, yesterday. 7 crosses of honor were dedicated in Carterville Cemetery and a headstone was dedicated in Fairview Cemetery in Joplin. Good fall day! Glad the rain temporarily held off! |
C.E.R.T. Training
Confederate Emergency Response Team (C.E.R.T.) training conducted by the Missouri Division Team 15 October at Bloomfield, Missouri. The work was conducted at the Stoddard County Civil War Memorial Cemetery. Lead instructor was Buddy Biggs from the Pvt. Bailey Brooks Camp 2335 and supervised by Division Lead Instructor Rodney Neville. The host camp for the event was the Stoddard Rangers Camp 2290. |
2023 Missouri Division Reunion
Photos by: Ron McBride & Wes Franklin
Moreland Cemetery Clean UpMaries County, Mo - Parsons Camp #718
Compatriots Danny Creason, Herb Turner, Terry Woods, John Dinkins, Alan Strope and Bobbie Ahart all cleaned the Moreland Cemetery of brush and debris. Two Confederate Veterans are buried there: Pvt. W. W. Moreland - Co E 10th Mo Infantry and Pvt. John P Tynes - Capt. Wright's Co Virginia Heavy Artillery. |
Kirksville MemorialWHO: William T. Anderson Camp #1743
WHEN: August 8, 2021 - 2 PM WHERE: Forest-Llewellyn Cemetery 201 N. Centennial St Kirksville, MO The William T. Anderson Camp #1743 Missouri Division conducted a Memorial Service 8 August at the Forest-Llewellyn Cemetery in Kirksville, MO. The service was to remember the battle that took place in Kirksville 6 August 1862 where 1,000 well equipped Union troops made up of Infantry, Calvary, and a Battery of Artillery attached 2,500 CSA troops consisting of 500 well armed troops, 500 recruits that were armed with weapons thy had brought from home and the rest were recently gathered unarmed, untrained recruits. The memorial service consisted of the remembrance to the 26 Confederate solders burred in the mass grave in the Forest-Llewellyn Cemetery that were killed the day of the battle and the 17 Confederate POWs that were court-martialed and executed on the 9 of August for violation of there parole and loyalty oath. The final part of the memorial service was dedicated to CSA Lt. Col. Frisby McCullough who was tried and sentenced to death as a bushwhacker, even though he was captured wearing a regular Confederate uniform and carrying letters authorizing him to recruit troops. He was granted permission to give the order to fire, and his final words were, "May God forgive you for this cold-blooded murder. Aim at the heart. Fire!" A second volley was necessary.
Mt. Zion Church Memorial